Current location is now Mountain Sky Guest Ranch in Montana. About 25 miles north of Yellowstone National Park. I apologize for not alerting everyone to my stop in Durham, but I was only there for 10 hours and really hadn't slept in two days.
My last night in Barcelona, I stayed up all night so as not to sleep through my flight. The night before I had slept in the park for maybe 3 hours. And the night after, I was in my old bed in durham, but still unable to sleep because I had to pack. So long story short, it was a really really long trip.
Some really surreal moments in the past week.
Coming back to NC, and actually feeling like I had a home. Matt and Diana had my bed made. Weary dirty traveler that I was, I had to smile at the sight of a room with only ONE bed... as opposed to the snoring/humping/partying circus rooms in many a crowded hostal. It was actually kind of a shock.
I awoke in the night in a cold sweat, breathing hard... sitting bolt upright.
I thought I was hallucinating. The room was completely dark, and my sleep encrusted brain was vein bulgingly trying to remember what country I was in, and whether or not I had a plane or train to catch. Momentary panic was replaced by a hard breath out. Scarily Refreshing.
I had plenty to worry about... even though I stubbornly refused to. Aer Lingus had lost my bag AGAIN. This time in Boston. I just got it back yesterday, barely put back together and missing a stuff sack of dirty clothes. Apparently when a bag is left for a certain amount of time with no lost bag report filed (I couldn't file until the next day at my final destination)... they open it.
Unceremoniously would be putting it lightly. But that's ok, cause they found my cell and Josh's number and therefore, got me my bag.
But why go through all that trouble if you're just going to fuck it up in the end? My bag was practically open when Fed Ex brought it. I'm surprised more wasn't missing than just my stuff sack.
I am looking forward to calling them up. For those of you that pray... remember the poor soul that has to take my call. And remember forgiveness for me... for all the things I will probably say about their mother. The flip flops are off, and I'm feelin slappy.
Another surreal moment...
Riding the train from Valencia to Barcelona a good 6 hours after La Tomatina, I decided to scratch my ear. Lo and behold, I discovered... and fingered out a giant chunk of dried tomato ... one in each ear actually. To others it must have looked like I was wearing some kind of organic Buetooth. I sat there, staring at it, and wondered if I would ever have another moment quite like that one.
If you think that's disgusting, you should have seen the shower water around my ankles when I finally bathed with soap... yes, a day later, back in NC. The water was a dirty pink. I knew I was going to have to be tomato ridden on the plane due to the time crunch, but I didn't realize quite how saturated I was. Could you imagine trying to explain my fruit smuggling to customs?
All the tomatoes are out of the dreads now, but occasionally a seed stowaway will still show itself. I want to plant one of them.
The next day was quite possibly the longest of my entire trip. I was too excited about my destination... and two excited about the person I was going to see.
The road has been lonely... as I knew it would be. I knew parts would be extremely difficult and parts would be rapturous. And I knew I would crack open a few more coconuts of reality and life. One such realization has led me to Montana.And my trusty wind has blown me here.
I have returned to the States to pick up a partner in crime and continue my adventure. The plan to date is to reline the old bank account until the end of October and then road trip somewhere in the US. I want to be back in NC for Thanksgiving.
I have a tradition that I will not miss. Nate's Turkey will be returning this year... accomplanied by plenty of spiked cider. All are invited. Chela... bring the pigs feet.
I have so much to write about the shock of being where I am, doing what I am doing. It will come later, as this is already a long post.
Mainly I wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive and that I am in Montana.
Check out the link for Mountain Sky to see some pictures of the ranch. Below are some of Lauren's pictures from Paris.
A toast from the best men.