Here are some pictures from the past three weeks that have been waiting for a fast enough internet connection. I'm not used to snapping photos and frequently forget my camera, but I promise there will be more.
Yeah, that's ice.
My ass was killing me.
Foothills of the Andes just west of Mendoza.

I like the Condor on the lower right

Road Hog
Tango Show finale
I takes two to Tango
Snowboarding in the Andes! I'm jealous, but my ass is not.
Btw- check out that website when you get a chance. Lauren and I have been looking and a lot of the people on there remind me of the type of person you are. Well traveled, open-minded, multi-lingual hard party'ers.
I'm going to try to make one of these this weekend in an effort to be more "green". I'll fry some fish and let you know how it works out.
Dear Nathan:
Just spent a happy couple of hours reading and enjoying your blog. What a real adventure! You write extremely well and the pictures are great.
What I did was to print up all 15 pages of June 15 through June 26. Then I read it under the page magnifier. Very enjoyable! Am impressed with your initiative, courage, endurance ... and excellent writing.
Good night for now..... Love, Sophie
Hola que tal compadre?
i'm back in buenos aires and was thinking: hey whats nate doing? I see you've seen already a big piece of the andes an you went snowboarding. very nice!
Here is a little intresting story to San Martin. You see always pictures with him on a white horse but the reality is another. He went up the andes with a mule because his horse died because of the height.
i have to adnmit my blog is everything but up to date. i will return to germany in 4 days¨an my blog is 4 weeks behind my trip! ohoh!
keep on writing i keep on reading
hasta luego y deseo mucha suerte
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