View through the howling wind tunnel

Ever set free a collective gasp? Close to the high pass, we clear a bend... no sign of life for miles. The lone herdsman watched our sedan inquisitively. The Llamas gazed regally down at us from the white snow bank. The barren mountainscape softened in the presence of her inhabitants, clouds of hot breath freeze in the air.

Closer to the top, a quiet moment. the silence of the mountains is deafening. Twilight and first star take us over the pass.

Top of the pass... drunk on the altitude... stars spin and fall out of the sky.

Hot Mate melts the cold.

The equivalent of 16,000 ft. in altitude

The Quilnes Ruins: The natural fortress is topped by the chief's palace with ramparts down each ridge. The villiage steps up the middle. Walking the old paths, gazing over the valley... I wonder what eyes watched the Spanish come across the plain so many ages ago.

Cacti Can Kiss

Lunarscape wide angle.

Testing the Water

Drop Trow!


Flying Nate

Cody on the dunes.

Sorority Squats



Miles makes a fire

Incredible layers of every color


Dry hot wind, big sky, long shadows... Happy Nate

In photos the backdrop doesn't look real, but it is.

The Ragtag Crew

Blues on the Wing.

Wide angle cactus.

Deserts are awesome


I had always wanted to climb one of those mesas that looked like it was about to fall over.

Dune trodder

Silver snake carves through the sand

Hiking to the natural bridge

Wading under the natural bridge... I am really cold right about now.

Miles, this had better be your new profile picture

This was the original color, not a bad rental actually.

The same car later... dirtier, just the way I like em.

Desert Sunset

We would stop randomly along the road to climb things, throw rocks... you know, the usual.

Crazy rock formations.

Ridge Hiker
love the flying nate pic!
Lindas fotos! Las de Cody y Miles seguro van se van a ver muy bien expuestas en el avisador de Intercultural.
Por qué no pusiste fotos tan reveladoras de vos mismo? ¿Se pueden mostrar?
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